Pre-Round Speed Priming
Even for many PGA Tour players, one of golf’s most untrained skills is how to optimally prepare the body for a round of golf.
Speed Priming is a 5-minute program, scientifically designed for use before an important round. This bonus feature of TheStack System helps ready your body to transfer your speed training to the course.
To get started simply click on the Priming Session icon on the bottom of TheStack App. It will not interrupt a training Program, so you can use it anytime.
Speed Priming can be used before a competitive round to potentiate your neuromuscular system. It both maximizes your speed potential for that day and allows you to attain your preferred on course speed with less perceived effort.
Speed priming with a radar system is preferred, but TheStack App priming session can be used without one. This is useful for golfers who prefer to leave their radar at home or simply bring it to the gym for training.
Co-founder Marty Jertson Speed Priming with TheStack at the 2020 US Open at Winged Foot.